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YAY, PocketPCPassion is back!! :D

P.S. First comment!


Eric Hicks

Hey Dale welcome back, glad to see everything is going well.


Well, not first, but good to see you back. Like the Phoenix, rising from the ashes, I'm sure the site will come back better than ever. A lot of us miss it.

Sven, MS-MVP Mobile devices

Barry Rau

Glad to see you back!! We all missed you.

Jim Taylor

Great to have you back......

Dave Evans

Pocket PC Passion....Pocket PC Passion.....I seem to remember a site by that name. I think I even posted there once or twice. ;)

Welcome back Dale!!


Sooner Al

Welcome back...

Dennis Couturiaux

It sure is good to have you back sharing your view. I've sure missed the site!

Good to have you back on posting... So what new things do you have for us?

Steven Cedrone

Welcome back Dale!

Mark Thompson

God bless you, Dale!
How about having the Old Testament punishment of stoning for the people who destroyed your old site? :)

Luis Gomez

I was wondering what happened to your site and to you, I used to read that message almost everyday. Welcome back. Luis from Bogota, Colombia!

Frank McPherson

Welcome back Dale. I wonder if Typepad's servers will be able to handle the comment traffic? lol

Dale Coffing

stoning huh? Sounds like too easy a punishment woooooarrrrrhhhhh just kidding ;-)

I am sure that even though I may never know the full truth in how the site harddrive failed and how EVERY one of 60 days of backups were corrupt I am just as guilty for not making my own FTP backup when I had the chance.

I hope to have the "real" website up with discussion software "soon"

Bill Sprague


Missed ya', Bro. Great the have you back!



Great to have you back! :-))


hi there!!! we missed u !!! i always followed all the articles u posted on the site for allready 3 years and now with the comming back i'm shure u'll make somethig really new here. i heard from a friend : if u want to gain something better u have to loose something. so here we are all your followers. step by step u will run again


Welcome back Dale! good to see you. I look forward to seeing the new site. Perhaps even take on Gerard for his record of "Most prolific and loquacious poster". :D

Helio Diamant

Welcome back, Dale! Good to have you back here, even in the form of a blog. It has its advantages, you know, it is more personal,and so, and it can develop later to anything you'd like.

I wish you success in the new site.


Martyn Wallace (Scotland)

you had the first mobile website I ever looked at and kept looking at each day religiously.
The first website I EVER posted some info to a community (got some inside information from Compaq on the old 3600 series options posted back in 2000)
Its fantastic to see you back !!!
You are a legend !!!!

Martyn in Scotland!

Dave Angel in UK

Welcome back,
Looking forward to seeing your articles online.
Keep it going


I'm so excited that you are back on the web ! I think stoning is WAY too easy on the nimrods who crashed the site !! We can get much more creative than that ! :)

I hope you are able to get the site back up and running close to before. It was the Pocket PC users next best thing to the Bible. I sent all newbies to the site for FAQ for their "new toys".
Thank you for doing such a great job for the last 3 years that I've been following the site.
Great to see you back. !!!! :)


Wow, even though my SX46 died and I wasn't visiting daily, I sure missed this site!

Now crack some whips and get it back in shape, I need some audiovox ppc and smartphone reviews! :-)

You made this a happy Friday!


mobilePASSION!!! mobilePASSION!!! mobilePASSION!!! Hooray, welcome back Dale!


Yours was the first Pocket PC site I visited when a friend introduced to PPCs a couple of years ago. There are many of us who are glad to see you back and who wish yu success.

Don't Panic!

Hurray, I love this place. Welcome back Dale.

Don't Panic!

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