Have you seen the funny little spoof that SCOTTEVEST does with the current ipod commercial marketing gem of the silhouetted dancers using an ipod? http://www.scottevest.com/ipod/index.shtml Here is their press release;
"(SeV), the industry leader in functional fashion, released a web commercial parody of Apple’s iPod commercial. Apple’s commercial shows a dancer in silhouette with the iPod’s signature white wires flying around. SeV’s parody humorously portrays the inherent danger of dancing with wires dangling. The dancer gets tangled in the wires and trips. He then dons SeV’s patented Technology Enabled Clothing® (TEC), which manages the wires through hidden conduits, and then dances with increased energy as the beat of the music intensifies. The commercial ends with an endorsement from a surprising source, Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple and SeV customer. "
lol, that was awesome.
Posted by: PockyPhantom | July 29, 2005 at 04:22 PM