« First Look: Samsung i730 Pocket PC Phone Edition | Main | Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference »


Jeffrey Roge

Thanks for the good news. I'm buying the i730 next week for sure. I've been a T-Mobile Pocket Pc user since it first came out and am finally going to upgrade. Can you or anyone else give me some helpful hints on how to make this as painless a transition as possible. I have many licensed products that are associated with the EIN of my T-Mobile unit, but want to use them on the i730 but don't want to buy them again. Any other tips for ease of transfer?
Best, Jeffrey


I just read a very interesting review of @migo 600C by you on internet. I have a problem, I am located in Nagpur, India. I am into application development for Pocket PC. Recently my clien't sent me his old @migo 600C to test applications.

When I opened the parcel, I found its touch-screen is smashed(much like a car windscree), so on smashed parts tap doesn't work. It works in some places. In my city pocket pcs are not that popular and not many brands are available here and only HP has its service station here.

Can you guide me, from where I can get that touch screen, or can I replace it myself? I am clueless about touch-screens so any help will be appriciated. If possible please also let me know approximate cost.

I tried to mail you at [email protected], but mail bounced :-(, so this comment.
Boy oh boy that was a long time ago for that review. Here is my guide for you... don't even think about repairing that device. The dollars for repairing don't make any sense on one that old. Your money is much better spent on getting a replacement.


I'm curious about selecting a name from the CONTACTS on the i730. The last PPCPE I had, I found it very awkward to search for a name and then select it, especially without the stylus using perhaps my thumb while the unit itself was resting in my hand. Has this gotten any easier ? This was a big reason I just switched to a SmartPhone instead.

Lance Boyd


great review. I was wondering if there is any update on the WM 5.0 upgrade for the i730. I get a lot of mixed opinions on this. I hear the one-handed operation of the i730 is not so great (vs the Treo), and I have also heard WM5.0 improves upon these shortcomings.


John Blasdell

I love the trend toward storing programs and data in non-volatile memory. Here's a technical question since you've worked w/ WM5: When you write to any media (hard drive, flash memory card, etc.) there is fragmentation. You can defrag memory cards and thumb drives on a PC using a number of programs. Currently, there is no utility to defrag internal flash memory in Windows Mobile or PalmOS pocket computers. Does WM5 include a defrag utility, or is anyone working on a defrag program? Those of us using WM3003SE with PPCs having FileStore, Built-in Storage, etc. also need such a program.


I'm looking into the i730, but when trying it out last weekend discovered that 2 of the sites I want to access often were not accessible; one saying I needed to upgrade to at least IE 5.5 and the other saying I needed a more current version of Flash. My programmer-husband seems to think the problem is with the sites and what browsers they recognize. Have any of you experienced this problem? I really want a pocket pc phone and not a Palm, but I need to ensure these sites will be accessible to me.


As with Lynne, I am unable to access several sites with my i730. The sites are secured Company sites or bank sites. Does anyone know what softwrae patches are available to upgrade this i730 and let me on the sites?


Has anyone gotten Windows Media to play through their bluetooth headset?
I have a Samsung i730 and if I have Windows Media playing, then activate the Voice software the music comes through my headset, but when the software closes, the music reverts back to the speakers on my phone.


I too have a i730 that I want to replace the smashed screen. I do have the replacement but wanted to repair it for the kids to play games on. Any repair info for this I730 Samsung would be great. Thanks-




sam tartaglia

Dale - Can I tether this i730 (Verizon) to my laptop? What do you recommend? - sam


pdaphonehome.com has answers for most all posts


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Email: [email protected]
name: keiresing
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Email: [email protected]
name: keiresing
Tel: 00862084401688
Fax: 00862084236854


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Email: [email protected]
name: keiresing
Tel: 00862084401688
Fax: 00862084236854


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Email: [email protected]
name: keiresing
Tel: 00862084401688
Fax: 00862084236854


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Email: [email protected]
name: keiresing
Tel: 00862084401688
Fax: 00862084236854


www.iden4less.com sell:nextel i880 flip lcd,Nextel i930 housing ,Nextel i870 housing ,Nextel i860 housing
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nextel NexteI530 mobile phone charger ,NexteI530 housing, Nextei60c mobile phone charger ,

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Iden4less Co., Ltd.
E-M:[email protected]
MSN:[email protected]


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Email: [email protected]
name: keiresing
Tel: 00862084401688
Fax: 00862084236854


www.tipcell.com sell: nextel i95 housing,nextel i205 lens, nextel i60 lens, nextel i90 lens, nextel i95 lens, nextel i1000 flip,nextel i205 housing,nextel i60 housing, nextel i90 housing,nextel i95 housing,nextel
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Email: [email protected]
name: keiresing
Tel: 00862084401688
Fax: 00862084236854


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Email: [email protected]
name: keiresing
Tel: 00862084401688
Fax: 00862084236854


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Email: [email protected]
name: keiresing
Tel: 00862084401688
Fax: 00862084236854


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Email: [email protected]
name: keiresing
Tel: 00862084401688
Fax: 00862084236854


www.iden4less.com sell:nextel i880 flip lcd,Nextel i930 housing ,Nextel i870 housing ,Nextel i860 housing
,Nextel i830 housing, Nextel i730 housing,Nextel ic402 housing

i90 housing ,Nextel i60 housing ,nextel I30 LCD with frame, nextel I60 LCD with flip, nextel I60

LCD complete, nextel I90 LCD withflip, nextel I90 LCD complete,nextel I95 LCD with flip, nextel I95

LCD complete, nextel I205 LCD complete, nextel I700 LCD complete, nextel I530 LCD complete,nextel

I530 LCD with flip, nextel I730 LCD complete, nextel I733 LCD complete, nextel I730 LCD with flip,

nextel I830 LCD with flip, nextel I830 big LCD, nextel I830 small LCD,nextel I830 lcd complete,nextel

I860 small LCD,nextelI860 big lcd,nextel I860 lcd complete,nextel I860 lcd with flip,nextel i71 0 lcd

complete,nextel i71 0 lcd with flip,nextel i560 lcd complete,nextel I1 000 LCD with flip.nextel i930

lcd flip,nextel i836 lcd flip,nextel i850 lcd flip,nextel i760 lcd flip.nextel i860 camera,nextel

I870 lcd with flip,nextel i930 lcd,nextel i930 flip lcd,nextel i880 flip lcd,Nextel i930 flex cable,Nextel i860 flex

cable,Nextel i830 housing, Nextel i730 housing,Nextel i90 flex cable,Nextel i60flex cable,2255

nextel NexteI530 mobile phone charger ,NexteI530 housing, Nextei60c mobile phone charger ,

Nextei60c housing,NexteI730 mobile phone charger , NexteI730 housing, Nextei90c mobile phone charger ,

Nextei90c housing, Nextei95 mobile phone charger ,Nextei95 housing, Nextei95cl mobile phone charger ,

Nextei95cl housing, Nextei830 mobile phone charger , Nextei830 housing, Nextei860 mobile phone charger ,

Nextei860 housing, Nextei60c mobile phone charger with flip, Nextel i60c caller Id mobile phone charger

Nextei90c mobile phone charger with flip,Nextel i90c caller Id mobile phone charger , Nextei95 mobile

phone charger with flip, Nextel i95 caller Id mobile phone charger , Nextei95cl mobile phone charger

with flip, Nextel I95cl caller Id mobile phone charger , Nextei830 mobile phone charger , with flip,

Nextel i830 caller Id mobile phone charger , Nextei860 mobile phone charger with flip, Nextel i860

caller Id mobile phone charger , Nextei730 mobile phone charger with flip, Nextel i730 caller Id

mobile phone charger
Iden4less Co., Ltd.
E-M:[email protected]
MSN:[email protected]


www.tipcell.com sell: alcatel ote LCD,alcatel ot835 LCD with frame, alcatel ot300 LCD with PC board, alcatel ot700 LCD with PC board, alcatel ot311 LCD only, alcatel ot511 LCD with flex, alcatel ot715 LCD with frame, alcatel ote LCD only, alcatel ote LCD with PC board, alcatel db LCD with flex, alcatel ot700 LCD with flex, alcatel ot511 LCD only, alcatel ot332 LCD.
Email: [email protected]
name: keiresing
Tel: 00862084401688
Fax: 00862084236854

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